
NYT's Revkin Responds to Limbaugh's 'Suicide' Suggestion

lurking faith10/20/2009 9:55:31 pm PDT

re: #962 suchislife

I’m sorry, but I linked to a text of maybe a quarter of a page, and it is not a controversial or hard to read source, yet you don’t even look at it? That’s an auspicious beginning. Makes me think you don’t actually want a conversation.

I checked your posts on this thread, and there’s no link that could be what you are refering to. Nothing on wikipedia/washington post/polanski. However, I guessed that you probably meant I should read wikipedia’s basic article on the Washington Post, and so I have now looked at what it said about the WaPo’s politics. Nothing I hadn’t already heard, and it doesn’t change my opinion (based on my own experience of actually reading the paper).

They aren’t crazy-left, but they are on the left.