
Tea Party Reports Open Thread

Pupdawg4/15/2009 3:49:15 pm PDT


I humbly disagree with your position on these events.

The reaction or lack there of of the MSM in ‘covering’ these peaceful protests all over the country is proof enough for me that they have had an impact and are definitely worthy of the effort. These peaceful assemblies and protests can be the impetus for success in the future as conservatives nationwide come together to show their disgust and disapproval of the spending policies already set in place by President Obama, his administration and the Democrat-controlled Congress. I assure you many Democrats looking for votes soon are very worried. We may see a ‘change’ in some of these Senators and Representatives that really gives us ‘hope.’

We are and have been inundated by the left with protest after protest with ample MSM coverage which uses such events to further spread a shared agenda in many cases. Now, with these Tea Parties, the MSM and progressives are suddenly offended at such a display of discontent by thousands upon thousands of concerned citizens who just happen to be conservatives. God help us if any Christians are involved! We, as conservatives, do have a voice whether that voice receives fair and balanced coverage or not. We need a national leader to champion our cause. Maybe these protests will convince such a leader to step forward and answer the bell. If so, these protests will be seen as a defining moment for the conservative movement and a huge, key ingredient in the recipe for success.

How could any conservative not see this or at minimum embrace such a bold step of solidarity? Kooks exist in all walks of life. They are, more times than not, in the dirty bath water with the baby…we should not let the kooks spoil the cleansing.