
Geller-Spencer Allies "English Defence League" Riot in Britain

SidewaysQuark5/23/2013 11:36:51 am PDT

I wish people would would criticize general Islam more for its (more mainstream and pervasive) backward treatment of women, perversion of science, hatred of homosexuality, tacit enabling of strange conspiracy theories involving the Illuminati and Zionists, and promulgation of backward policies ranging from everything to modesty levels to dietary restrictions. (None of these traits are universal among Islam, I know, but you’re kidding yourself if you don’t think they’re a huge problem in Islam.)

These are Islam’s most genuine problems, more so than Islamic outbursts of violence, which are, in reality, abhorred and detested by most Muslims.

Instead of putting up divisions between Muslims living in the West and people more traditionally indigenous to the West, we should be more aggressively Westernizing the Muslims communities in the West.