
And Now, Tiny Hamsters Eating Tiny Burritos

CuriousLurker4/30/2014 5:23:16 pm PDT

OT: Okay, I just had to stop in to say that I passed a milestone today—it’s been one year since my ruptured aneurysm and I’m still kicking.

At this hour a year ago I was unconscious in a hospital, getting ready to be transferred to another hospital so a neurosurgeon could drill a hole in my skull, fix the rupture, and drain out the excess blood. I was told that six months and one year afterwards with no further complications would be milestones so please excuse me while I…

Now if my hair would just grow back a little faster so I could wear it in one normal ponytail instead of the four that kinda make me feel like Pauley Perrette.

That is all. I now return you to your regularly scheduled program. ;)