
The Final Word on Jim Hoft's "Fractured Eye Socket" Hoax

TedStriker11/24/2014 9:04:19 pm PST

re: #80 HappyWarrior

Confusion in the sense that I didn’t expect McCulloch to go all out defending Wilson. I knew he was one of those cops can do no wrong types but damn. But yeah frustrating as hell. I don’t want to ever hear again from white conservative straight Christians about how they have it the toughest in this country ever again. If the races of the parties involved had been reversed, we would have had an indictment months ago.

Had it been a black cop killing a young white man in the exact same circumstances, I have no doubt the cop would have been put on administrative leave within a couple of hours, stripped of his badge with a day or two, and McCulloch would have fell over himself and working within the grand jury within a week or two to return an indictment ASAP.

This whole mess, like so many others that involve white cops and blacks who are injured or killed by them under dubious circumstances, is complete and utter horseshit.