
Two Versions of the Same Song: Regina Spektor and Sean Rowe, "Ode to Divorce"

Aye Pod5/02/2015 6:47:57 pm PDT

Hi DF. Yes I’ll be voting SNP. The SNP are looking for almost a clean sweep in Scotland this week. Labour are paying the price up here for completely failing to oppose the tories austerity narrative and accepting their framing of almost every issue. They could have done what the SNP have done - stuck to their principles and energised the young and disaffected, but instead chose to chase after the shiny tory voters.

Not to mention that the ‘vow’ made by the Westminster leaders including Labour’s Ed Milliband before the referendum vote to give more power to Scotland was of course a complete lie. Labour have said they will refuse to allow the SNP into government as part of a coalition, even if that is the only way to stop the tories governing for another five years. The Westminster parties speak about us almost as though we were terrorists. All the talk is of the desperate need to deny the Scots representation unless they vote for one of the main Westminster parties. It’s an absolute disgrace.

Whatever happens next, it’s looking increasingly certain that the union’s days are numbered. I’m looking forward to thursday night - especially after the disappointment of the referendum - it’s going to be quite a ride, with a great result for SNP voters like myself but there will be an extremely messy outcome, with weeks of dirty dealing before a new government is in place.