
Beautiful and Sad: Genevieve Artadi, "Before the Dark"

Timothy Watson4/16/2017 3:38:54 pm PDT

re: #72 SteveMcG RN

I used the word “mad” figuratively. Very rarely does anybody actually engage the argument. They see “Clinton” in a post and stop right there. In fact, you even blew right past the things I wrote when you made your case, which was addressed in the post that you responded to. My argument was that her campaign did not deal with the problem that they were depending too much on Obama voters in key parts of swing states. And they damn well should know what happens when you depend on Democratic voter turnout. I also made the argument that the boss is the ultimate responsible party. I alone bear the responsibility for my failure, but many paid the price. My failure put a couple dozen people out of work. Her failure put millions of lives at risk.

Dude, “her campaign” spent millions of dollars and hours of time trying to get people to vote.