
The Perfect Take: Monica Martin & Scary Pockets, "Thoughtless"

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam2/07/2019 2:13:42 am PST

Some more developments in the case of that failed Canadian cryptocurrency exchange. The CEO was reported to have died (with the passcodes needed to run the exchange presumably stored in “wet memory” - his brain) in India of complications from Crohn’s disease, but some angry customers of the exchange were not convinced he was really dead.

The hospital in India that treated him has released some details of his demise. He was admitted to the hospital in critical condition, was being treated for severe sepsis, but suffered cardiac arrest. They revived him, but he then had another cardiac arrest and no further resuscitation efforts succeeded.

So, he’s most assuredly dead.

Does make you wonder why a person with Crohn’s disease would travel to a remote part of India by himself, putting both himself and the future of his company at risk.