
Colbert: Nine Days Into the Biden Presidency, It's Time for a Look Back

Targetpractice1/30/2021 2:19:14 pm PST

re: #94 Florida Panhandler

Let them hang themselves in the public square.

We are witnessing the agony of a slow death of a major political party. The problem is, in its wake- there will be a smaller but hardcore fascist party openly calling for revolution and violence.

This is the problem: We’ve been here too many times in the past to put a lot of stock in it. Why? Because they don’t need a majority of the voters in the state in order to seize power, they only need a majority of the voters they allow to cast a vote. And after this past November, you can be sure they will do everything in their power before 2022 to suppress as votes as it takes to put their pro-Trump slate into office.