
The Fearless Flyers Rehearse Backstage at Madison Square Garden Pre-Gig and Bring the Funk

lawhawk10/19/2022 5:00:35 am PDT

re: #97 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Nuclear show of force?

Yeah, that’ll end exactly as Putin planned it out.

It’ll go precisely as well as his plan to invade Ukraine did.

That’s why this talk is just saber rattling. Even he’s got to know that his military is fubar and he can’t count on his nuclear arsenal to do any better than his regular military forces. They’re as likely to see those nukes launched and fall on Russian territory as it would in Ukraine. The NATO and Western response would be to consider nukes against military targets inside Russia, and US and NATO tech is vastly superior to what we’ve seen out of Russia.

It also is a reminder that Russia’s relying on Iran for cruise missile tech at this point (those UAVs loaded up with small munitions). That’s a tell that Russia’s military is hollowed out and can’t get it done.