
Totten: The Mother of All Quagmires

Ayatollah Ghilmeini1/28/2009 11:09:54 am PST

The First Rule of Soviet Negotiation

“Change means giving up support for the rootless, uncivilized, fabricated, murdering … Zionists and letting the Palestinian nation decide its own destiny,”

M. Ahmadinejad, President IRI

This guy hangs women from cranes and sics his goons on teenagers for having long hair. He has the theory of history that conflicts with sworn testimony or witnesses and the entire archival record of both Germany and the relevant world governments. He is the one who argues that Jews aren’t even Jews and never were in the Holy Land despite an overwhelming historical and archaeological records to the contrary.

Never mind he was elected in a process where anyone expressing opinions too different from the ruling clique was excluded from running.

From Hitler right on through to Brezhnev and Castro, totalitarian international affairs can always be summed up: no matter how wrong you are, the first order of business is to demand an immediate apology. SecDef Gates warmed the cockles of my heart when he gave a great Cold War response to Russians complaints the USAF escorted their bombers to Cuba: “When they complained about us escorting their blackjack bombers to Venezuela, I wanted to say that we just wanted to be along there for search and rescue if they needed it,” Gates said.”

The centrifuges of Nantanz are spinning away. The days to a nuclear armed Ahmadinejad are getting shorter and shorter. If Obama lets them get the bomb, no one can ever say he did not have the chance and the ability to stop them. No one can say he did not know. No one can say he was not given his chance to use diplomacy. Dr. Susan Rice and Obama are worthy disciples of Neville Chamberlain, they still haven’t figured out what happens when Iran conducts a nuclear test and announces breathlessly to the world, “we lied, we really did have a nuclear weapons program!” Iran is stalling for time and the people whose first duty to this country and its people, to say nothing of themselves, are playing right into the monsters’ hands.

It should be Iran apologizing- for murdering Americans for 30 years, for seizing our Embassy, sponsoring terror and blaming us for their own sin of sending a million kids to die in the Iran-Iraq War. If the US ever phrased its public relations with Iran in this format, the Ayatollahs would defecate in their trousers. We are guilty of not being honest with ourselves and our enemies. This always leads to tragedy.