
Another Stealth Creationist Bill in Missouri

yma o hyd2/19/2009 12:07:14 pm PST

re: #58 Thanos

Their motives wouldn’t be so clear if their pseudo science supplemental critique of evolution weren’t already out there and pretty much thoroughly debunked. More work needs to be done on tearing down the logical fallacies in “Exploring Evolution”.

More work, imho, needs to be done in properly teaching natural sciences! Out in the fresh air, in Nature itself - by teachers brimming with enthusiasm for their subject!

The people who deny evolution have not the faintest idea about how things look, in Nature, as opposed to their PC screens and test benches.

Go out and show your children what is tehre - turn over stones and rocks and see what is underneath - look at a tree and see what all lives on it - go out into a meadow and look at the different grasses - with a hand lens.

I could go on and on about this, it is a great shame that these creationists are not only trying to keep our children from expanding heir minds - they are trying to keep them from actually using their enquiring minds, from learning how to see, to ask, to wonder.

I oathe them nearly as much as I loathe the ROP>