
Overnight Open Thread

Sharmuta6/01/2009 12:21:53 am PDT

re: #88 Gus 802

It will evolve into V3 and they’ll start stalking the stalkers. I don’t know. They’re a motley crew and it’s like mixing up the far left with the far right.

I see rodan is also lying that no one praised Tiller’s killer. From that hate site:

There was no post deleted or one celebrating the death of Tiller. This is just the delusion of a Leftist Bigot.

Sure about that rodan?

13. Bob in Breckenridge on 31 May, 2009 at 4:00 pm reply

O/T but GREAT news! Dr. George Tiller “the baby killer”, called that because the POS performs late term abortions on women up to 8 months pregnant, was shot and killed today while going into a “church”.

Any church that would allow that motherfuckin’ baby killer in it is not a place that worships God. Burn in hell, you fuckin’ piece of shit!

He’s a liar.