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Walter L. Newton6/02/2009 11:03:34 am PDT

re: #87 Dianna

Because that assumes that churches - particularly the smaller nondenominational ones - know their membership (many don’t; they make a big deal of “everyone’s welcome!”) and what their other affiliations are.

If pastors want to do that, it’s admirable. But unless you’re a member of a church, your question makes me tired. You’re acting as if there’s a monolithic bloc, and as if “disfellowshipping” were a common thing.

My point is it is NOT common, but maybe it should be. The Greek scriptures sets up all the necessary processes for keeping the flock clean, including members reporting actions to the elders and elders taking the lead in counseling and then disfellowshipping if needed.

I don’t have to belong to a church to know what is practiced in different sects and what is not, and know what is in the Hebrew and Greek scriptures.