
Overnight Open Thread

zombie8/14/2009 1:10:26 am PDT

re: #89 LudwigVanQuixote

The most important thing is to never do too much for them. You have to show them the path and them cheerlead them down it. In science the biggest mistake is to just work the problem for them and say “see how it’s done?” That rarely helps as a primary method. It’s kind of like doing pushups to get someone else in shape.

LOL. You’re operating in a different plane of existence. You have no grasp quite exactly how “bad” it is when I say my school district had “bad” teachers.

One of my math teachers imagined himself a theoretician and was not interested in explaining things to students, and so instead stood at the blackboard scribbling equations and diagrams completely unrelated to the topic of the class (that any of us could tell) and mumbled to himself.

Another teacher did not know thing one about any kind of math, and furthermore did not know English. All he did was hand out workbooks on the first day and say, “Make answer. Book,” pointing to the workbook. That was the only sentence I ever heard him speak in English. He had a teaching assistant grade the workbooks. No instruction was ever offered.

And so on. You get the picture.