
Live Video: Kagan Hearings, Day Three

darthstar6/30/2010 12:19:05 pm PDT

God love him, the only admitted athiest in congress, Pete Stark (D-CA) lets a “Minuteman” speak at one of his town halls, then destroys him:

The minutemen want to have something to say,” Stark says as one of the border security advocates begins to ask a question. “Who are you going to kill today?

After brushing off the congressman’s remark, the activist said, “I want to know why the federal government is not doing anything more to seal the borders of this country?”

“Well, we can’t get enough minutemen armed,” Stark answered. “We’d like to. Get all the minutemen armed so they can stop shooting people here.” […]

The man then interrupted Stark, telling the congressman, “this a very serious matter and you’re sitting there making fun of it.”

I don’t have to make fun of you sir,” Stark responded, “you make a fine job [of it] all by yourself.”