
Jon Stewart: The Republican Monopoly on 9/11 Ends Now

Talking Point Detective12/14/2010 11:19:38 am PST

re: #86 Fozzie Bear

Don’t ever misunderestimate a rightwinger:

Look At It This Way
Perhaps a case can be made for the emotional response to smokers being just another example of Political Correctness. I don’t smoke, I never smoked and, with the current price of cigarettes, I don’t plan to start. Furthermore, I’d prefer that people around me didn’t smoke. However, I’d be less than honest if I said that I was sure my aversion to second-hand smoke was based on anything more than a personal bias. And if tomorrow they come for smokers, why should I care? I’m not a smoker.

America was built on a live and let live attitude. Before the current crop of busybodies, do-gooders and nannies gained political power, we let people do what they like - even if they were hurting themselves - as long as didn’t hurt anyone else. We’d only step in if an unwilling bystander was being harmed. That left the door open for the Second Hand Smoke (SHS) attack on smokers.

If SHS really is as dangerous as the government, political organizations and charities claim, efforts to prevent it and contain it might be justified. But is it dangerous? We’re bombarded by endless proclamations of its horrors, claims that get more fantastic with each passing year. These claims are usually accompanied by impressive sounding numbers. Are smokers really hurting every stranger in the vicinity? The answer to that question is obvious once you know the facts.