
Rachel Maddow on the Violent Anti-Abortion Movement

Ziggy_TARDIS4/21/2011 10:10:50 pm PDT

NOW there’s news on Libya. Algeria has been caught red-handed supporting Qaddafi:

French military advisers working with Libyan rebel fighters have recently determined that Algeria’s government is providing military assistance to the Gaddafi regime. A series of military jeeps and trucks that were abandoned in a military battle have been made available to the military advisers who cross checked their serial numbers with the database from the French Defense ministry.

The French advisers traced the serials numbers of these vehicles to Military equipment that was sold to Algeria in The Past.

France’s Foreign Minister Alain Juppe called his Algerian counterpart Mourad Medelci on Monday, following these finding.
“I told him: ‘Here it is, there is information circulating that Gaddafi may have received several hundred armed vehicles carrying munitions from Algeria’,” Juppe said during a luncheon in Paris in front of reporters.

The Algerian foreign ministry had confirmed the two ministers had spoken, but had not provided any detail on their conversation.

France has recognized Libya’s rebel Transitional National Council as the representative of the Libyan people and has demanded that Gaddafi step down.

The Libyan rebels have repeatedly accused Algeria of arming the regime. the rebels have also announced that they to have captured Algerian mercenaries near Ajdabiya.