
Video: What It's Like for a Dog in a Kennel on the Roof of a Car on a Freeway

palomino4/17/2012 8:54:51 pm PDT

re: #87 freetoken

Yeah, he’s too cool. Bush - I could see doing a bbq with him. McCain - probably a decent conversation, likewise with Huckabee. Santorum - well, I suppose I could stop by on Christmas and find some good cookies to snack on for an hour or so.

But the Romney’s are so distant from that with which I can connect, that I can’t see (projection) many people motivated to turn out and vote.

I’ll try to find a link, but recent polls back up your impressions. 75% of those who support Obama say they will be affirmatively voting FOR him. OTOH, 65% of Romney supporters will be voting AGAINST Obama. This does mesh with the poli sci conventional wisdom that reelections are referenda on the president. But the gulf in numbers is so huge that there’s probably more to it.

Indeed, the polls show Obama leading on all character traits and qualities except one (and it happens to be a biggie). He and Mitt are essentially tied when it comes to the question of who’s more capable of fixing the economy. Other than that, Mitt wouldn’t have much of a chance. As it is, he’s in the thick of the race because Obama didn’t miraculously fix an unfixable economy.