
Turkish Journalist Who Took Cropped Photos Tied to IHH

Gus6/09/2010 11:41:10 pm PDT

re: #981 Nimed

Gus, you’ve been generalizing quite a lot with regard to “the left” and “lefties” lately. There is, of course, some truth to the fact that people, including lefties, are more bothered by discrimination closer to home, even if it is less grave than in other countries. But besides this one can (and should) denounce the horrible practices you just described in other countries, but we recognize that said countries, including repulsive theocratic regimes, are sovereign. So there’s only so much you can do to change things — you can impose trade embargoes or you can invade them. That’s pretty much it. Understandably, people tend to focus their energies where change is more likely to occur, in your own country.

When I say left I mean, well, the left. I don’t mean progressives or liberals. I think we can generalize just as much as we generalize with the right. No?