
Utah Governor Huntsman to GOP: 'You Can't Just Say No'

Walter L. Newton4/29/2009 3:36:54 pm PDT

re: #971 Spartacus50

If there ever was a litmus test to be applied to a candidate, it is where they stand on the issue of Global Warming. Any remedy to the supposed problem is completely detrimental to industry, the free market system and the economy as a whole. I see it no differently than Intelligent Design, Evangelism, or any other nonsensical belief system. It is simply a secular religion with an incredible marketing campaign.

Have you paid attention to any of the science that has been posted here this afternoon, or are you just spouting off without any proof of you position. Because, up to this point, you seem to be ignoring any of the questions put to you.

If you haven’t noticed, we discuss an issue, it’s called dialog. We do that with comments, links, critical thinking skills, truth and very little hyperbole.

Try it.