
Reince Priebus Whines About Being Accused of Racism, MSNBC Instantly Backs Down

Mattand1/30/2014 12:02:41 pm PST

re: #97 kerFuFFler

Usually I think that the expense of death penalty cases is a sufficient reason to settle for life imprisonment in spite of the brutality of your garden variety murder. But when someone sets off bombs killing and maiming so many people, I think the state is justified spending the extra money. With so many nutcases talking about seceding, watering the tree of liberty, and taking up arms against our elected government it makes sense for the state to make it clear that such attacks against the government or the citizenry will be punished by death.

The death penalty is not a deterrent.

All the conservatives/tea baggers making noises about starting Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo are no different than Al Queda and that ilk. They’re jonesing as badly for martyrdom as Bin Laden did.

I’m probably in the minority but court-sanctioned murder is still murder. If Tsarnev gets the death penalty, I will not shed a tear. However, killing him isn’t going to bring anyone back or re-grow lost limbs.