
When bigots say "You've lost my vote", here's the proper response

BeenHereAwhile2/09/2014 3:11:05 pm PST

re: #17 Shiplord Kirel

Texas has superficially harsh and strict drunk driving laws but they are riddled with exceptions and loopholes that allow most drunk drivers to walk free, even after multiple convictions. The prevailing theory is that the justice system and the legislature are themselves infested with drunkards and they don’t want to be hoist by their own petard, at least no more than is necessary to keep the yokels voting their way.

If you’re arrested for DUI in TN, you get an Ignition Interlock (breathilizer) installed in your vehicle for a period of no less than 6 months up to a year.

You also spend a weekend in jail, and subsequently spend some hours picking up trash on the side of the highway.

The Ign Interlock has a camera which takes video of the person performing the breathlizer test along with an internal GPS which provides real time location of the vehicle at which time the test is being performed.

Since the Ign Interlock is sensitive to alcohol as well as alcohol precursors, orange juice, bananas, mouthwash, and pepperoni, etc, can create issues preventing the offender from starting their vehicle.

With court costs and Ign Interlock leasing, typical costs if a DUI in TN starts at $10,000 when all is said and done.