
How Administration Officials Cried 'Terrorism' to Cover Up a Paperwork Error

Orange Impostor2/11/2014 5:03:19 pm PST

re: #61 Belafon

Gotta love his twitter sig: Take the country back to redo the Civil War.

Not to mention that every one of the things he is trying to pin to Obama, with the exception of the auto industry bailout - which was actually started under the Bush administration - are items specifically advocated by the Teahadist wingnuts.

Religious Intolerance - which side do Islamophobia, Creationism, and Christian Identity come from again?

Attacking Foreign Lands - Winding down two undeclared wars that the Bush Administration counts as an attack? In fact, Obama has steadfastly pushed against putting American troops in any foreign conflict.

Striving for a one-party system - Attempts to repeal the Voting Rights Act, rampant gerrymandering, voter intimidation, “stealth” candidates, and countless other acts of disenfranchisement weren’t done by Obama and Democrats.

Nationalizing Energy Programs - The Koch Brothers, Exxon/Mobil, Philips Petroleum, and Valero have all been taken over by the federal government. Oh wait. They were just given another 10 billion dollars in tax breaks. My mistake.

Entitlements - the only “entitlements” that people have gotten under Obama are the Affordable Care Act (which is turning into a bigger boon for insurance industries than anyone else) and extension of unemployment insurance.