
Glenn Greenwald's Rant Against Michael Kinsley: Just the Good Parts

A Mom Anon5/23/2014 12:23:35 pm PDT

(crossing fingers, hoping she doesn’t jinx anything….)
It looks like The Husband will be starting a new job in about a month. Not more money sadly, but it’s hourly, not salary and they’ll pay him overtime. So there’s that. But he also has to drive the gas sucking truck farther so I am not sure how that’s going to play out. Same co. also considered him for a regional manager job, which he had done for a decade, but for some reason decided he wasn’t a good candidate for it(which sucks because it’s almost twice the money). I really wish I knew What. The. Hell. these freaking companies want. You can meet every damned requirement for a job and it still isn’t enough. He’s excited, he HATES his current job, and I don’t blame him, they treat him like shit because he’s the blue collar guy and the rest of the people there are office workers.

Meanwhile I am still looking for a part time retail something and can’t get a call back. So now I’m thinking I’m going to have to fabricate a work history and tell them I was an autism advocate (not even close to a lie, I just did it for my own kid and never got paid) and worked for my husband’s side company (doing building code inspections- which is a sporadic money maker at best) as his assistant. I hate to lie, I suck at it, but I don’t know what else to do. I have filled out apps for Home Depot, Lowes, Kroger, Michaels Arts and Crafts, PetSmart, Petco, Dollar Tree, Target, Kohl’s, Ross, PayLess Shoes, Publix and Books A Million. Nothing, not so much as a phone call or email saying “bite me”. Sigh. I’m not asking for a freaking corner office FFS, we’re talking part time stock/sales floor stuff. I expect to go in at entry level and prove myself just like anyone else. Sigh. Frustrating, grumble, bitch, moan, etc, etc….