
Sunday Times Report: Russia and China Have Cracked Snowden's Cache of Secret Docs

Tigger26/13/2015 7:05:12 pm PDT

re: #98 Dark_Falcon

And speaking of the North Woods, we have this fine bit of unintentional comedy:

Bristol Palin SLAMS Miley Cyrus for being a hypocrite and anti-Christian in confused blog rant

- Bristol Palin is calling Miley Cyrus judgmental in a new blog post
- Palin accuses Cyrus of being intolerant towards Christians after an interview in which she calls out fundamentalist lawmakers
- Cyrus says that she is against politicians who support conversion therapy, citing the suicide of transgender teenager Leelah Alcorn as a reason
- She also says she does not believe in Noah’s Ark, which Palin takes issue with as it does not show respect to Christians
- Cyrus’ interview was to promote her new charity for homeless LGBT youth, the Happy Hippie Foundation

I’ve forgiven John McCain for picking Bristol mother as his VP nominee, but sometimes that forgiveness is greatly tested. Bristol’s artless attacks on other young women are laughable in their DERPitude.

Bristol is as crazy as her mom.