
Here We Go Again: The Latest Round of Media Dithering About Trump's Constant Lying

lawhawk5/27/2018 1:47:05 pm PDT

What exactly can the public do when the media commits malpractice and excuses or minimizes bigotry and nonstop lies for months on end? Media outlets spent more time fixated on Clintonā€™s health or her emails than they did on the Access Hollywood tape that should have caused nonstop investigations into Trumpā€™s background, revealed the Cohen payments then, and the chicanery about payments to other women.

Trump projected all his criminality on to others - especially Clinton. The media breathlessly covered Trumpā€™s smears of the Clinton Foundation and except for a few notable examples, didnā€™t cover Trumpā€™s ā€œcharitableā€ foundation or Trump U to the same extent, when those were actually engaged in criminal acts or violated state or federal laws.

It was the media that set the agenda, and if the public is misinformed as a result, how can we vote on the best information available at the time. The media helped shape the narratives and the outcome.

And as we continue to see - they all refuse to own up to their own role in this mess. Theyā€™d rather protect their access than do the right thing even now.