
Human Test Regarding Your Creativity

lawhawk2/28/2020 5:07:51 am PST

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. I got nothing new. The markets continue their volatile turn south, Trump and Pence are too busy with fundraisers to do their day jobs, and incompetence remains the hallmark of the Trump response to everything when not actively sabotaging functioning government.

Is it worrying that the CDC test wasn’t accurate? Yes. Was that also a possibility? Also yes. In the rush to get a test out there, they didn’t get it completely right, which means you’ll get false positive/negative results.

China continues refining their own tests, which also affects the numbers of cases and the possible mortality rate. But we’re also seeing the number of cases rise worldwide. So while the number of cases appears to be declining in China where draconian methods are being used to contain cases, it’s on the rise everywhere else.

700+ in NY are being asked to self-isolate. 8000 people are being monitored in California. Hospitals are now trying to safeguard protective gear because of concerns that staff may be trying to steal them for personal use.

Trump isn’t assuring anyone with his nonsensical word salad ramblings and Pence isn’t any better. All messaging going through the WH is the worst possible way of dealing with the crisis, since the point is to limit the damage to Trump politically, and public safety isn’t even a secondary consideration.

NY officials are running through scenarios that include even school and business closures to contain and limit the spread of the disease.