
Newly Released Tom Petty Home Recording: "There Goes Angela (Dream Away)"

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)8/28/2020 3:23:59 am PDT

re: #98 Dr Lizardo

And Trump’s fundamental interest in re-election (aside from being able to continue the gravy train of grift) is to avoid Sing Sing.

I think what has surprised me the most since 2016 is not Trump being a craven grifter, divider, and showing a complete lack of ethics, empathy, or compassion. That was pretty clear simply from watching him in the past.

It has been the GOP’s complete and utter complicity in all of it. For all their claims of being conservative, traditionalist, and following Christian ethics it got thrown under bus in a second the moment it clashed with maintaining as hard a grip on power and privilege as possible.