
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Proctology of the Free Market

mmmirele11/30/2023 7:57:19 pm PST

First of all, let me make clear that I generally dislike Julie Roys, because she’s anti-transgender. THAT SAID, she is the one person who has demonstrated enough care and concern in the larger Evangelical community that she’s one of the few people survivors of sexual abuse in Evangelical churches feel safe going to.

A month ago, Mike Bickle, the head of the International House of Prayer-Kansas City was accused of sexual misconduct. ( local tv station)

Last Sunday, people who were formerly part of IHOPKC entered the 24x7 prayer room in a silent protest: ( local TV station)

Now Julie Roys has reported the VERY LONG story of a young woman who was taken advantage of in the late 1990s. This is a really hard read, Mike Bickle is just crazy.

EXCLUSIVE: Woman Says IHOPKC Founder Mike Bickle Used Prophecy to Sexually Abuse Her

In 1996, at age 19, “Jane Doe” decided to move to Kansas City to intern with her father’s friend, Mike Bickle. The 42-year-old prophetic pastor’s preaching about King David had touched her heart.

“I just remember feeling like he knew the same Jesus that I knew,” Doe told The Roys Report (TRR) in an exclusive interview.

Soon after she arrived, she said Bickle told her he had a dream about her. After a Sunday service, in front of Bickle’s wife, Diane, Doe said Bickle prophesied that he was David and Doe was Esther.

“He gives me the biggest word of my life,” she told TRR. “It was, ‘You’re not just an Esther, you are going to lead thousands of Esthers.’”

A few weeks later, Bickle called Doe from Asia to say the Lord spoke to him about her, she said. This time, though, she said he sounded drunk.

“He begins to tell me that the Lord has spoken to him and that Diane is going to die and that we’re going to get married,” she said. “As he’s talking to me, I’m thinking, ‘Is he drunk?’ And he did start talking about the alcohol that was in the fridge that he had been drinking.”

From 1996 to 1999, Doe said Bickle put her up in an apartment by herself, gave her a key to his office, engaged in sexual interactions with her, and told her about the dream, again and again. He also began establishing the International House of Prayer Kansas City (IHOPKC).

There is a LOT more where that came from:

The article makes clear the lack of accountability Bickle had and how he weaseled out of whatever minimal church oversight he got by founding IHOPKC.

And there are little cults like this everywhere.