
6 New Personality Disorders Caused by the Internet

Aye Pod7/02/2009 6:38:39 pm PDT

Funny article. Also enjoyed the linked page on how to deal with trolls: 5 Ways to Stop Trolls From Killing the Internet.

Start a Posse of Moderators, and Arm Them

Right now if you have a blog or forum or anything else with open comments, and you don’t have a human moderator to watch it, you’re going to wind up with a wasteland. As soon as more than one troll shows up, they will feed off each other until everyone else is gone. You have to control them. And don’t start talking about free speech; the troll’s goal is to shut down speech, to either fill the channel with noise until no one can talk to each other, or to get everyone talking about him instead of the subject at hand. He’s a guy in a coffee shop screaming nonsense over a bullhorn.

Spot on!