
Overnight Open Thread

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All10/07/2010 8:45:27 am PDT

I’d say it sucks to be Lou Dobbs right now, but I imagine the xenophobics will find all sorts of justifications and excuses for him to employ illegal immigrants.

I hear the people on the right complain about the elites and that somehow the left are full of people who think they’re better than the average person. And then I see all the people on the right who claim to be just like the average guy, engaging in behaviors that would get a normal person drummed out of town. Or doing things that they feel are immoral, illegal, or just plain wrong, and then acting like somehow the rules and demands they make on the rest of us don’t apply to them. Oh no, they’re too important for that. The real elites aren’t on the left anymore. The real elites are the heads of of the conservative movements. The same conservative movement that makes such big noises about being just like you and me; all the while when they think no one is looking, doing the very things they demagogue and spit on.

And you know, personally, I don’t care that Dobbs did employ illegals, and am a pretty big proponent of a more open immigration policy. I figure if we let more people in legally, but have a rigorous vetting program, it’ll actually reduce stress on the open borders. How you ask? Because at that point the number people crossing illegally for jobs will drop, which means that our INS and LEO can have more confidence that the people who *do* cross illegally are in fact drug smugglers or engaged in some other illegal activity.

I don’t care that Dobbs did it, I care that he’s tried his best to spread hate and fear about illegals. That he’ spent years using them as a whipping boy to drum up a frenzy, and then he did it. That’s really shitty behavior.