
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan10/11/2010 6:43:28 am PDT

Axelrod: Chamber must prove foreign money allegations false

White House senior adviser David Axelrod said the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has the burden of proving false the charge by Democrats that the business group is funneling foreign money to Republican campaigns.

Axelrod was pressed by CBS’ Bob Schieffer on Sunday for evidence that the foreign campaign contributions benefiting the GOP is more than “peanuts.”

“Do you have any evidence that it’s not, Bob?” Axelrod said on “Face the Nation.” “The fact is that the Chamber has asserted that, but they won’t release any information about where their campaign money is coming from. And that’s at the core of the problem.”

So the Obama administration is making shit up and instead of providing proof to validate their statement, they want the Chamber of Commerce to prove their innocence. How progressive!