
Poll: Majority of Americans Oppose GOP's Windfall for the Rich

Gus12/03/2010 11:30:55 am PST

re: #96 darthstar

I’ve got an employee (now, having been promoted to manager three weeks ago) who is a bit like McCain. At our one-on-one meetings, he’s tried to control the conversation and talk about what my responsibilities as a manager are. When I told him we were to talk about his roles, he actually blew up at me. I just smiled and wrote his rant down. When the other person loses control, you get it. There’s no need to get upset. Performance evaluations come up soon enough.

Mullen stayed cool while McCain was out of control. The more he rants, the less he matters

He really is such a hot head. Did you catch his recent video during a small press conference in one of the Senate offices?

“It’s not the policy! It’s not the policy! It’s not the policy! It’s not the policy! It’s not the policy! It’s not the policy!” — Deep thoughts by John McCain.