
Quote of the Day: 'Sweden is the Saudi Arabia of Feminism'

CuriousLurker12/27/2010 2:42:13 am PST

re: #97 Sergey Romanov

This posting by Charles illustrates out the point that a left-winger does not equal a liberal, despite the US near-synonymization of the terms. This is illustrated even better by Shamir, who is often characterized as a “radical left-winger”. In some sense (or, rather, on some issues) he is. But he takes the same approach to feminism:

And his diatribe against gay parades in Russia (and against gays in general, in support of “traditionalism”) needs to be quoted in full to be appreciated.

Very interesting, and very true—thanks for pointing that out. I guess this is another example of that bizarre place where far-left and far-right converge. Ugh.