
An Attack on the Existence of Labor Unions

Orange Impostor2/19/2011 11:27:35 am PST

So, what we have from the GOP in regards to labor laws this year is the following:

1. In Missouri, a proposal is in the legislature to repeal most significant child labor laws.
2. In Wisconsin, we have this bill that Governor Walker attempted to ramrod through the legislature without debate, which removes workers’ ability to collectively bargain - the very foundation of workers’ rights.
3. There is a renewed effort at the federal level to weaken, or outright repeal OSHA worker safety laws.
4. In multiple states (Nevada, West Virginia, among others) there are proposals on the table to repeal minimum wage laws. This has also been brought up again recently by GOP representatives.

And the Tea Partiers are so disconnected from reality that they think that these people represent their best interests.