
The Incredibly Brazen Lies in Paul Ryan's Speech

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/30/2012 12:01:09 pm PDT

re: #98 CuriousLurker

The thing that bothers me most is that these hucksters have the gall to claim the mantle of noble keepers of (faith-based) morality, and have referred to themselves as values voters, the moral majority, etc.

Where in in the HELL do they get the unmitigated effrontery to sanctimoniously invoke God and prayer, pointing their fingers at others’ ethics while they stand there sowing discord and shamelessly telling lies in front of their family, nation, and the God they claim to so dearly love, respect, and want to defend?

These people aren’t Christian in any meaningful sense of the word, they’re sleazy amoral grifters lusting after temporal power, wealth, and fame. If there were ever practitioners of so called taqiyya, these people are the absolute masters of it. They’re beyond contempt.

That’s what upsets me too CL. They act like conservatives are exampifiers of moral virtue while liberals are immoral heathens. Really pisses me off knowing that my quite liberal grandparents were married for 43 years and took very seriously that till death due us part of wedding vows. Something that assholes like Gingrich and others wouldn’t know if bit them in the ass. But as I recall from Edith Wharton’s The Age of Innocence, the people who talk about morals the best are moral hypocrites themselves.