
Ann Coulter and the Council of Conservative Citizens, Part Deux

gman2/16/2009 3:21:35 pm PST

re: #970 mcmeador

Sorry, I didn’t realize that voicing disagreement was taboo…or at least it is until I have reached a certain number of comments and have earned my right to do so? If I had an axe to grind, I wouldn’t have made it a point to give Charles the benefit of the doubt in the matter.

So, you don’t have an axe to grind on when you’re bringing up Condell on a Coulter thread? hmmmm

Sorry, but if it looks like a troll (not many comments but questioning the host), and acts like a troll (trying to bring up pet issues on threads only somewhat related) it is a troll.

Btw, I checked your comment history so don’t pretend Condell isn’t a pet issue with you.