
A Scintillating Friday Evening Open Thread

Mich-again8/14/2009 10:48:32 pm PDT

re: #988 iceweasel

Here’s enough to go buy some aspirin, a pint of vodka, bandages and a knife so you can cut your tumor out your own damn self.

First, you said this..

So, to quote someone else on this, he’s saying that if each and every one of the U.S. taxpayers donated $10 to this fund, we could provide $28 worth of care each yer to the 50 million people who are uninsured.

OK, I’ll add it up. Aspirin: $5. Vodka: $5, Bandages: $10. Kinife: $10. Thats $20 give or take. Maybe its $28 where you live. But your figure of $28 for the products for each of 50 million people assumes you need that $28 for each of the 50 million people which means you think every single one of the 50 million uninsured people has cancer.

Truth is its more like 1 in 2,000 people.