
Tim Blair, Investigative Reporter

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/27/2010 5:26:37 pm PDT

Speaking of this stuff I really pissed off the crazies

For those who doubt the nazi connection and the racial tone, I present the following fun little video.

Unedited Tea Party Protestor in Cleveland, Ohio.

Youtube Video

Teabagger Express-Buses Full Racist Morons

Youtube Video

Please remember that a core early Nazi meme was the notion of elites with untrue loyalties “stealing” Germany from the people.

That the Nazis were racist ought not need to be explained.

Please remember the message of the Nazis about creating a mythical Germany that never existed - and that this was the “stolen birthright” of the German people.

They were going to take it all back and purge the enemies from within and without. Take back America! Militias on the borders!

All of those soft and elitist intellectuals would have their corrupting books burned. Evolution anyone? Anti-science anyone?

We are seeing an American version of this that starts by venting that rage at minorities and other easy targets. Rather than Teutonic mythos we have a perverted form of Christianity. Rather than umpah bands we have cowboys. But don’t kid yourself about it being the same thing.

The only real saving grace is that the typical teabagger is a fat and repulsive slob as opposed to young and physically capable SA types.