
Overnight Open Thread

Walter L. Newton2/16/2009 8:00:15 am PST

re: #976 Afrocity

Did you hear about Oregon? They want all drivers to have GPS in their vehicles:

BOSTON (AP) - Governor Deval Patrick’s idea to use GPS chips in vehicles to charge people for the miles they drive is being blasted as “Orwellian” by some opponents.

I don’t drive so not sure of the implications but my friend in Oregon is pretty pissed.

And on a side note. I wish politicians would STOP using Orwell as an example of this program or that program. I consider myself an expert on Eric Blair and his writings, at least 1984, and these sort of programs are nothing like the society that Orwell was describing in his book.

There is an large difference between what we are seeing and real totalitarianism.

Using Orwell and/or 1984 as a frame of reference is pure hyperbole.