
Overnight Open Thread

jcm6/01/2009 8:59:05 am PDT

re: #968 JohnnyReb

I agree a revolver is most probably the best for self defense. A friend in the business said almost every single case of self defense where shots are fired is settled at less than 7 yards and with 2 rounds fired and a 75%+ miss rate.

Way too many people get caught up in the auto pistol with 2 extra mags for self defense. That may be fine and dandy at home, but not on the street. If you ever have to actually defend yourself on the street the DA is going to try and hang you out to dry for carrying an “arsenal”.

I usually carry only one mag.

WA is very good on self defense.
Recent case a home owner with a rifle shot and killed some one who’d been trying to break in, the bad guy had left the property then form the street turned and reached into his waist band. The homeowner fired and killed him. Turns out the prep was un-armed, took a couple of months but the home owner wasn’t charged. Prosecutor determined the homeowner had a reasonable fear for his life.

I even thought that shooting was pretty marginal.