
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

Pennies9/08/2009 6:41:24 am PDT

re: #994 Coracle

“Some additional tidbits. Qatar is clearly far and a way the worst per capita producer. On the other hand it doesn’t have that big a population, and is 60th over all in CO2 total production - with 0.8% of the US’s production.”

The defence for leaving these small countries out advance the artist is also misleading. For instance Kuwait has a third of the pop of Sweden, while it’s emission per capita is seven times as large. So they have a bigger foot print. Furthermore about twenty countries with a larger pop, including Russia and Ukraine, have a larger emission per capita than Sweden. While China at place 51 and Russia at place 82 are included leaving some forty larger emitters out.

It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that the graphic wants to give the incorrect impression that Western countries are the great sinners, while the third world countries are innocent, with the inclusion of China and India is intended to drive the message home.