
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)5/21/2010 9:50:13 am PDT

re: #989 Aceofwhat?

which brings its own weaknesses, mind you…lots of folks who are overly confident in their ability to interpret Scripture without help. i don’t want to whitewash anything here.

Oh sure.

I mean, basically, I prefer people like you. Hopefully I’m not going to make you blush, but to me— and I know you’re reading Dennett, so this should make sense— your attitude towards God and faith is a summation of all your love for humanity, your love for your family, your desire to improve yourself, and your hope for better things for the world. I don’t see you as needing an outside force to tell you how to act or behave, I see you as judging outside sources— such as any religion— based on how closely they hew to your excellent set of ethics and morals.