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Searched LGF articles for: "pamela geller" (304 matches, in 13 pages)

Pamela Geller's Fans, Part 3: Youth for Western Civilization

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 6:05:23 pm
Here's another photo from Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's anti-Islam rally last weekend, showing one of their English Defense League allies standing with two representatives of "Youth for Western Civilization" -- a thinly veiled white nationalist student group that often promotes alliances with Eurofascists such as the EDL. Youth for Western ...

Teabonics Sign of the Day

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 2:18:12 pm
From Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's hate rally last weekend, at which the audience ignored Geller's edict against signs. (Credit: Jens Schott Knudsen.)

English Defense League Leader Refused Entry to US - Update: FBI Searched EDL's Rooms

Mon, Sep 13, 2010 at 10:17:48 am
One of the English Defense League thugs who was planning to attend Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's hate rally last weekend was refused entry into the US. I’ve picked up a rumour this morning that EDL leader 'Tommy Robinson' has been refused entry into the United States where he was ...

Anti-Mosque Rally Attendance: Less Than 1,000

Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 6:20:51 pm
According to the Associated Press, attendance at Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's international hate rally was less than 1,000: The Associated Press: Dueling demonstrations begin after 9/11 memorial. After the ceremony, around 1,000 activists rallied about five blocks from the site of the 2001 attacks to support the proposed Islamic ...

Pamela Geller's Fans, Part 2

Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 2:41:35 pm
Also seen today in lower Manhattan for Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's hate rally:

Man Burns Quran Pages Near Ground Zero

Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 11:58:08 am
The audience for Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's hate rally is really starting to get warmed up for the big event: Man burns Koran pages near Ground Zero. A hate-filled protester was escorted away from the Ground Zero mosque site this morning after tearing apart a Koran and burning some ...

Pamela Geller's Fans Arriving in Lower Manhattan

Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 11:38:19 am
The hate rally sponsored by Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's "Stop Islamization of America" is set to begin at 3 pm Eastern time, and their fans are beginning to arrive. (From Diaper's Photostream on Flickr.) Just call him Mr. Sunshine. The skinhead thugs of the English Defense League are getting their signs ...

The Mosque in the World Trade Center

Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 12:40:24 pm
As Pamela Geller gloatingly prepares to host her hate rally against the Islamic community center two blocks from Ground Zero, shrieking that it defiles the memory of the victims of the 9/11 attacks, here's a must-read article at the New York Times on a piece of history it might be ...

Pamela Geller: Imam Rauf Lied to the Quran Burner

Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 4:12:00 pm
The shrieking harpy shrieks: IMAM TRUMPS AMERICA: NO DEAL FOR MOVING GROUND ZERO ISLAMIC SUPREMACIST MEGA MOSQUE! It didn't take Pamela Geller long to concoct a conspiracy theory to explain why hate preacher Terry Jones called off his Quran burning. In Pamela's fevered "brain" (possibly made more feverish by liberal amounts ...

Mosque Vandalized in Hudson, New York

Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 11:23:42 am
Here's another anti-Muslim hate crime that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and the Bigot Brigade can claim they have nothing to do with -- this time on the hallowed ground of Hudson, in upstate New York. HUDSON -- City detectives are searching for the vandals who spray-painted a racial slur ...

$10 Million Defamation Suit Filed Against Pamela Geller

Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 11:55:56 am
Last year Pamela Geller injected herself into the case of Rifqa Bary, a teenage runaway and Christian convert who claimed her Muslim parents were planning to kill her. (The Florida Department of Law Enforcement subsequently investigated these claims and found “no evidence whatsoever of alleged abuse or threats of death ...

Standpoint: Pamela Geller Ignores Pleas to Cancel 9/11 Protest

Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:46:06 am
The UK magazine Standpoint is covering Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller's decision to ignore the pleas of some 9/11 family members to cancel her hate rally on September 11: Pamela Geller Ignores Pleas to Cancel 9/11 Protest. It's worse than simply "ignoring" their pleas, though; Geller viciously attacked the spokesman for the ...

Anti-Islam Bigots Are Putting US Troops in Danger

Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 2:42:06 pm
US Commander in Afghanistan Gen. David Petraeus points out the obvious: Quran-burning could endanger troops, Petraeus warns. (CNN) -- The U.S. commander in Afghanistan on Monday criticized a Florida church's plan to burn copies of the Quran on September 11, warning that the demonstration "could cause significant problems" for American ...

San Antonio Mosque Vandalized

Mon, Sep 6, 2010 at 12:30:28 pm
Here's another anti-Muslim hate crime that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and the Bigot Brigade can claim they have nothing to do with -- this time on the hallowed ground of San Antonio, Texas: San Antonio mosque vandalized amid national tensions over NYC mosque. A San Antonio mosque has been ...

9/11 Families Ask Pamela Geller to Cancel Protest

Fri, Sep 3, 2010 at 9:30:47 am
A group of 9/11 family members has officially asked Pamela Geller not to stage her bigoted hate rally on September 11: 9/11 Families Ask Ground Zero Mosque Protesters to Stop Rallies on Anniversary. LOWER MANHATTAN — The ninth anniversary of 9/11 is the wrong day to hold rallies about the ...

ADL Director Foxman: Anti-Mosque Rally on 9/11 is 'Un-American'

Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 2:59:09 pm
Adam Serwer talked to Anti-Defamation League director Abe Foxman about the planned September 11 protest against the Park51 Islamic community center in lower Manhattan; we criticized Foxman for his earlier statements, but on the issue of Pamela Geller and her allies (such as Dutch demagogue Geert Wilders) he seems to ...

Signs Banned at Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer's Hate Rally

Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 5:47:40 pm
Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer are taking a page from the Glenn Beck playbook, and banning all signs at their upcoming shameless attempt to capitalize on America's memories of 9/11 to demonize Muslims. Instead they're getting even more shameless with a jingoistic command to bring American flags to a rally ...

NY Teenagers Charged with Shooting at Mosque, Trying to Run Over Worshippers

Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 12:01:08 pm
Another hate crime that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and the anti-Muslim Bigot Brigade can claim they have nothing to do with:Teenagers Charged in Harassment at Mosque. A group of teenagers in western New York has been accused of harassing members of a mosque by yelling obscenities and insults during ...

Seattle Man Charged in Hate Assault: 'You're Not American, You're Al Qaeda'

Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:40:06 pm
Here's another anti-Muslim hate crime that Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer and the anti-Muslim Bigot Brigade can claim they have nothing to do with: Charge: Seattle man attacked shopkeeper, calls victim a terrorist. A 35-year-old Seattle man is facing assault and hate crime charges following allegations that he accosted a ...

Video: Inside the Violent World of the English Defense League

Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:59:47 pm
Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller thinks Newsweek is out to get her, of course, and she doubles down on her support for the far right thugs of the English Defense League -- and announces that she's bringing them to the US to participate in her anti-Muslim protest on September 11. Thought ...

Newsweek: Geller Defends British Thugs Who Attacked Police, Blames Muslims

Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 1:02:08 pm
Mark Hosenball notes anti-Muslim blogger Pamela Geller's support for the thuggish English Defense League: N.Y. Anti-Mosque Leader Defends Group That Clashed With British Police. A leader in the movement protesting plans to build an Islamic cultural center two blocks from Ground Zero in lower Manhattan is defending the actions of a ...

When Proven Liars Attack

Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:50:23 am
Video fraud perpetrator Andrew Breitbart's getting frisky: Ibrahim Hooper on LGF: 'vicious, anti-Muslim hate site.' Antonia Zerbisias described LGF: 'virulently anti-Muslim/Arab website.' @lizardoid My reply: @andrewbreitbart Hope you realize that many of the now-banned LGF commenters responsible for those remarks are now bloggers at your sites. For example: Pamela Geller. And ...

Anti-Mosque Bigots Are Helping America's Enemies

Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:12:59 am
Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and the anti-mosque movement are the Taliban's best friends. Taliban officials know it’s sacrilegious to hope a mosque will not be built, but that’s exactly what they’re wishing for: the success of the fiery campaign to block the proposed Islamic cultural center and prayer room near ...

Pamela Geller Blames Cabbie Slashing on Mosque Supporters

Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 10:11:42 am
TPM called hate monger Pamela Geller for a comment about her latest deranged rant: Anti-Mosque Agitator Pam Geller: Mosque Supporters Ginned Up The Cabble Slashing. Pamela Geller, the blogger behind the movement to stop an Islamic center from being built a couple of blocks from Ground Zero, told TPMMuckraker that ...

White Supremacists Heart Pamela Geller

Sun, Aug 29, 2010 at 10:46:21 am
At the SPLC's Hatewatch blog, Heidi Beirich has a detailed report on hate monger Pamela "Shrieking Harpy" Geller, and the very receptive audience she has found at neo-Nazi and white nationalist websites: White Supremacists Find Common Cause with Pam Geller’s Anti-Islam Campaign. Geller’s Muslim-bashing has resonated with certain conservatives, several ...

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