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Searched LGF articles for: Muslim Association of Britain (880 matches, in 36 pages)

Creationist Bobby Jindal Represents America's Stupid Party to Europe

Tue, Jan 20, 2015 at 11:21:38 am
Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal just keeps proving over and over that the Republican Party really is the "stupid party," going all the way to London to spew discredited far right talking points about nonexistent "no-go zones" in Muslim areas that even Fox News had to retract: Jindal Stuck After Spreading Discredited ...

NPR: Some French Muslims See Conspiracies in Paris Shootings

Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 2:18:43 pm
MP3 Audio NPR's All Things Considered had a segment yesterday on the disturbing support for the Charlie Hebdo terrorists in some Muslim areas of France, and the antisemitic conspiracy theories making the rounds. For many years the French have been eager to import Muslims for cheap labor but not so eager to ...

Islamophobia, Fox News, and Bogus Statistics

Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 6:57:50 pm
Steve Emerson, who claims to be an Islam expert, was on Fox News spouting off bogus statistics about Muslims living in the UK. He claimed that Birmingham and other cities are majority Muslim and that non-Muslims can't go there (no-go zones). Steven Emerson, an American whose website describes him ...

All Over the Right Wing Media Sites, Commenters Calling for Genocide of Muslims

Sun, Jan 11, 2015 at 1:24:23 pm
In the wake of the Charlie Hebdo terror attack, anti-Muslim ranting at right wing blogs has reached an insane feverish pitch, totally out of control, and not a single blogger or commenter is denouncing it. It's off the scale; I've never seen it worse than this. For example, at Breitbart "News," ...

In the Wake of Charlie Hebdo

Fri, Jan 9, 2015 at 11:18:17 am
As of this posting, there are at least two separate hostage standoff situations near Paris. One is at a kosher market (I've heard it referred to as a supermarket, deli, or grocery) on Ave Porte de Vincennes in the 13th Arr (that'd be Southeastern Paris). The other is near Charles ...

Neil deGrasse Tyson Will Host New Science-Oriented Late Night Talk Show

Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 1:36:14 pm
What a great idea -- a late night talk/variety show dedicated to science, hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson. I'll be eagerly looking forward to this one. "Cosmos allowed us to share the awesome power of the universe with a global audience in ways that we never thought possible," said Tyson. ...

White House Press Secretary: GOP Support for Scalise 'Says a Lot' About Party's Values

Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 2:43:25 pm
YouTube Unusually direct words from White House press secretary Josh Earnest, as the House Republican leadership unites to defend Majority Whip Steve Scalise despite his association with a white supremacist group founded by former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke. "There's no arguing that who Republicans decide to elevate into ...

Life With Gohmert: Louie Runs for Speaker of the House

Sun, Jan 4, 2015 at 2:10:11 pm
Today we have the word we've been waiting for, as Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert announces he'll be seeking the position of Speaker of the House, to replace John Boehner because he isn't loony enough. Could we possibly have the incredible luck to see the Dumbest Man in Congress ascend to ...

Why Does the Media Trust the Word of a White Supremacist?

Fri, Jan 2, 2015 at 11:25:54 am
It looks like America's pundit classes have decided it's no big deal that House Majority Whip Steve Scalise pals around with white supremacists. Here's a finger-wagging article at the New York Observer berating everyone who thought there was actually an important story here: It's Time for a Slow Journalism Movement. ...

House Majority Whip Scalise Says He Didn't Know He Was Speaking at a David Duke-Sponsored Event

Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 1:18:08 pm
Remember folks, anyone who tells you the Republican Party has a serious problem with racism is a liar and a scoundrel. Oh, and by the way? House Majority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) spoke at an event in 2002 sponsored by white supremacist David Duke. House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-LA)Rep. ...

Smear Merchant Chuck C. Johnson Uses Brooklyn Cop Killings to Spread Anti-Muslim Hatred

Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 10:32:22 am
On news of the shooting of two police officers in Brooklyn, right wing smear merchant Chuck C. Johnson immediately launched a full-on hate campaign, culminating in this frenzied piece of sheer bigotry (another "BREAKING EXCLUSIVE," of course -- they all are): BREAKING, EXCLUSIVE: NYPD Cop Killer Worked for Alleged Muslim ...

NYPD Labor Union Declares "We Have Become a Wartime Police Department"

Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 1:10:21 pm
YouTube A sociopathic career criminal goes on a rampage in Brooklyn, shoots his girlfriend and two police officers, then kills himself. Then the head of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, Patrick Lynch, goes on television and blames Mayor de Blasio and the "Black Lives Matter" protesters for it. One killer on a rampage ...

[Updated] Kansas City: Muslim Teen Intentionally Struck by SUV Dies

Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 4:38:30 pm
And so it begins. Where's the wall-to-wall news coverage that would be happening if the driver had been a Muslim who intentionally plowed into a teen coming out of a church or synagogue? Where's the outrage over a murdered innocent? There's video at the source, but I can't embed it because ...

Nation's Leading Epidemiology Groups Oppose Mandatory Quarantine

Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 12:10:38 pm
Image via Shutterstock Some of the nation's leading organizations that specialize in epidemiology and infectious diseases have come out against the mandatory quarantine policies being pushed by paranoia-pandering politicians. Here are statements from The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America, the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, and the ...

Right Wing Blogger Chuck C. Johnson's Appearance at a Birther Event With Orly Taitz

Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 1:12:19 pm
Right wing smear merchant Chuck C. Johnson (who is NOT ME) is becoming infamous for inserting himself into breaking news stories like the shooting of Michael Brown, and pandering to the worst elements of the right wing with blatantly racist assertions based on no real evidence -- usually citing "anonymous ...

A Beautifully Disturbing Sci-Fi Short: "The Shift"

Sun, Oct 5, 2014 at 5:42:42 pm
Vimeo Here's a fantastic science fiction short film, the highly disquieting story of a businessman who returns home to find things are... different. And his wife is not exactly his wife any more. In TECHNOCOLOR. THE SHIFT Written, Directed & Edited by Francesco Calabrese with Molly C. Quinn, Ryan Welsh & Whitney Hoy Produced ...

Pamela Geller's Latest Anti-Muslim Ads Featuring Beheaded Journalist James Foley Are Pulled

Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 2:17:44 pm
The always disgusting hate group leader Pamela Geller has suffered a setback in her campaign to demonize all Muslims, as the family of James Foley (one of the journalists murdered by ISIS) strongly objects to Geller's use of their son's image in her ugly NYC subway advertisements, forcing her to ...

Right Wing Parrots Launch Into Fear-Mongering Bigoted Frenzy Over Oklahoma Workplace Murder

Sat, Sep 27, 2014 at 1:20:29 pm
The entire right wing blogosphere is in a frenzy of anti-Muslim bigotry over this awful story out of Oklahoma: Suspect in Co-Worker's Beheading Was Recently Released From Probation. A 2010 booking photo of Alton Nolen from the Logan County Sheriff's Office in Oklahoma.A man suspected of beheading a woman he ...

Obama Forms Coalition of Arab States to Take Action Against ISIS, Right Wing (And Greenwald) Confused, Angry

Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 9:57:57 am
It's bizarre to watch the right wing news sites trying to settle on a way to spin President Obama's action against ISIS inside Syria; they alternate from hand-wringing fear that Obama isn't doin' it right, to attacking Obama for doin' it at all, to completely ignoring the fact that Obama ...

Drudge Report is Pushing Yet Another Crackpot AAPS Doctor Making Claims About Ebola

Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 12:06:22 pm
Yesterday, I posted about how Drudge was spreading all kinds of misinformation about the current outbreak of enterovirus D68. That misinformation was courtesy of the AAPS, which is a crank organization with ties to both Rand and Ron Paul, filled with racists and xenophobes. Well, the AAPS is back in the ...

Drudge Touts Claims That Illegal Aliens Are Source of Enterovirus Outbreak

Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:21:23 am
Matt Drudge's website is nothing if not consistent; they tweet an endless stream of inflammatory and eye-catching claims/statements. A couple of these tweets caught my eye: Doctor: Feds 'Tight-Lipped,' May be From Illegals... — DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) September 17, 2014 Mystery illness spreads to Virginia... — DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) September 17, ...

Live Music: The 2014 Americana Music Honors & Awards

Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 5:35:52 pm
Video The 13th annual Americana Music Association Honors and Awards Show takes place on Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 8 p.m. ET, live from the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tenn. You can watch the entire event, including more than 20 performances by some of Americana's biggest acts, live on and ...

Right Wingers Freaking Out at Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Feat. the Dumbest Man on the Internet

Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 12:51:26 pm
YouTube Yes, folks, it's yet another ridiculous trumped up fake outrage, spreading like wildfire through right wing blogs and news sites. You can probably expect to see this on Fox News any minute if it hasn't shown up there already. This time the idiots are freaking out at the chairman of the ...

Chuck Woolery Loses It: "The Muslims Are ON THE MARCH!"

Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 3:05:57 pm
I have been reluctant to say this, but I think we have a Muslim problem in the White House. So where does that leave the Democrats? — Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) September 12, 2014 We may not know for sure what's going on but we can sure make a very educated guess. ...

Casual Bigotry From the Front Page of the Wall Street Journal

Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 8:03:33 pm
Gerald F. Seib. Photo from The author of this column, published September 9th on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, is an award-winning journalist and author. Therefore I cannot attribute his writing here to sloppiness or factual cluelessness. I do not care to research his past work to ...

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