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Searched LGF articles for: google (377 matches, in 16 pages)

Footage From Globe Reporter Captures Exchange of Gun Fire in Canada's Parliament Hill Building

Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 9:38:26 am
YouTube More from CBC : 1 shooter dead, 1 still believed at large in downtown Ottawa. Police searching cars leaving Ottawa trying to go to Quebec. Report of additional shots fired near Chateau Laurier Hotel, east of Parliament Hill. Police going door to door in downtown core; downtown schools in lockdown. All three main party leaders, ...

Debunking Another Fear-Mongering Right Wing Myth About Ebola: The "42 Day Incubation Period"

Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 11:04:50 am
Image via Shutterstock Here we go again with the relentless fear-mongering about Ebola. The latest meme being circulated by right wingers and conspiracy theorists (two groups that have considerable overlap) is that Ebola actually has an incubation period of 42 days, not 21 as has been reported. SHOCK NEWS! SCIENTISTS ARE LYING ...

Darren Wilson's Grand Jury Testimony Destroys Jim Hoft's Bogus "Fractured Eye Socket" Claims for Good

Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 10:11:04 am
Jim Hoft, liarYou may recall Jim Hoft's now-infamous repeated claims that anonymous sources told him police officer Darren Wilson suffered an "orbital blowout fracture to the eye socket" in a struggle with unarmed teenager Michael Brown, before Wilson shot Brown to death. LGF's article debunking Hoft's unsourced claims went viral on ...

Wingnut Dolt Chuck C. Johnson Says Ferguson Protesters Sang "Communist Song" in the "Opera"

Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 10:48:27 am
Chuck C. Johnson is developing into one of the most disgusting, dishonest smear merchants in the right wing blogosphere, and that's really sayin' something. As we all know, the right wing base has a Pavlovian reaction to the "communist" word, so here comes the Ginger Avenger with a really vile ...

Update: WFAA Reports It's Not Even Confirmed the Ebola Patient "Vomited" at All

Fri, Oct 3, 2014 at 12:59:20 pm
Following up on our story from yesterday about Gateway Pundit's ridiculous, false fear-mongering post about "Ebola vomit" being cleaned up by WORKERS WITHOUT SUITS OMG!, here's a video clip from WFAA in Dallas, in which we learn reports that the Ebola patient "vomited" on the ground five days ago outside ...

Drudge Report is Pushing Yet Another Crackpot AAPS Doctor Making Claims About Ebola

Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 12:06:22 pm
Yesterday, I posted about how Drudge was spreading all kinds of misinformation about the current outbreak of enterovirus D68. That misinformation was courtesy of the AAPS, which is a crank organization with ties to both Rand and Ron Paul, filled with racists and xenophobes. Well, the AAPS is back in the ...

Ridiculous Breitbart "News" Post of the Day: Demons Are Real!

Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:49:33 pm
Yes, folks, we have our inadvertently hilarious right wing post of the day, courtesy of Breitbart "News," where ace journalist Kate O'Hare is sounding the alert about... demons. Yes, I said demons. Watch out, the threat from them is real. This is nothing to play around with. EXORCISTS WARN OF DANGER ...

Drudge Touts Claims That Illegal Aliens Are Source of Enterovirus Outbreak

Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 10:21:23 am
Matt Drudge's website is nothing if not consistent; they tweet an endless stream of inflammatory and eye-catching claims/statements. A couple of these tweets caught my eye: Doctor: Feds 'Tight-Lipped,' May be From Illegals... — DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) September 17, 2014 Mystery illness spreads to Virginia... — DRUDGE REPORT (@DRUDGE_REPORT) September 17, ...

Casual Bigotry From the Front Page of the Wall Street Journal

Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 8:03:33 pm
Gerald F. Seib. Photo from The author of this column, published September 9th on the front page of the Wall Street Journal, is an award-winning journalist and author. Therefore I cannot attribute his writing here to sloppiness or factual cluelessness. I do not care to research his past work to ...

Right Wing Radio Host Larry Elder Posts Fake Photo of "Injured Darren Wilson"

Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 4:38:40 pm
Yesterday we began seeing a photo make the rounds on Facebook, purporting to show officer Darren Wilson in a hospital bed with facial injuries -- obviously intended to shore up the now-debunked unsourced claim first made by wingnut blogger Jim Hoft that Wilson suffered a fractured eye socket. This photo was ...

Jim Hoft Plagiarized a White Supremacist Hate Site for His Latest Race-Baiting Post

Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 11:30:31 am
In today's episode of the Dumbest Man on the Internet, we find Jim Hoft, the Gateway Pundit, blatantly plagiarizing the website of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist hate group that sprang out of the "White Citizens Councils" formed in the 1950s to fight against school desegregation in ...

Dumbest Man on the Internet Forgets to Delete the Unedited Version of the Image He Edited

Fri, Aug 22, 2014 at 4:58:04 pm
DERPFollowing up once again on our posts about Jim Hoft and his now-debunked "report" (I'm using quotes because calling anything Hoft does a "report" is a wild exaggeration) that officer Darren Wilson suffered an "orbital blowout fracture of the eye socket," we showed yesterday that Hoft or someone at his ...

ZOMG, Hamas Hangs Young Kids on Fence to use as Human Shields!

Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 5:15:42 pm
Filed Under: People Will Believe ANY Damned Thing So I was going through my emails & Google Alerts, surfing around the web, checking out the trends in the Twitterverse, etc. and I came across this: Confirmation Bias? Now I don't even remember where I originally saw it, but as far as I can ...

One More Problem With That 1976 Holocaust Denial Edition of Reason

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 2:39:41 pm
Enough has been written on the "who is who in Holocaust denial" edition of the Reason magazine: Awful: Reason Magazine’s 1976 Holocaust Denial “Special Issue” Reason Magazine Addresses That 1976 “Holocaust Denial Edition” What follows is just a little footnote to that story. On p.53 of that issue we see an ad for "The ...

Reason Magazine Addresses That 1976 "Holocaust Denial Edition"

Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 11:16:20 am
Reason magazine's editor Nick Gillespie has an article up wherein he addresses that 1976 "special edition" featuring Holocaust deniers and contributors to neo-Nazi magazines. Let's see how he acquits the publication: If you want a preview of just how lame ideological mud-slinging is going to get [...] take a look ...

The Koch Brothers Are Building a Network of Libertarian Hackers, Coders and Designers

Thu, Jul 24, 2014 at 10:27:30 am
Worried that IT experts seem to typically vote Democratic, the Koch Brothers have spearheaded hackathons to lure techies into the conservatarian sphere. The gathering was the first inaugural conference put on by Lincoln Labs, a year-old club of politically-minded technologists started by three millennials with backgrounds in Republican politics: Garrett ...

Buffalo Hate Radio Rides the Derp Train to Fraudsville

Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 10:54:43 am
It used to be that references to undocumented immigrants as "invaders" was reserved for the outermost fringes of the body politic. Stormfront. Short wave. Nazi/Racist/Neo-Confederate bulletin boards. Infowars. Now, because of an unprecedented humanitarian crisis, the right-wing freakout over "illegal" "invaders" has become commonplace. Neo-Nazi hate-speech is now mainstreamed. Add to that the ...

Arizona Politician Mistakes YMCA Campers for Migrant Children

Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 5:17:56 pm
Click for Video More: Arizona Politician Mistakes 'Y' Campers for Migrant Children Republican congressional candidate and state legislator Adam Kwasman had just raced up to Phoenix Tuesday morning from the protest in Oracle over the expected arrival of dozens of migrant children at a shelter. He had tweeted from the scene, "Bus ...

Was Edward Snowden Covered by the IC Whistleblowers Act? Yes, He Was.

Sat, Jul 12, 2014 at 6:41:19 pm
"As an employee of a private company rather than a direct employee of the U.S. government, I was not protected by U.S. whistleblower laws, and I would not have been protected from retaliation and legal sanction for revealing classified information about lawbreaking in accordance with the recommended process. "President Obama also ...

The "UN Police" MRAP That Wasn't

Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 8:31:23 pm
So a bad photoshop has been making the rounds on the internet: MAKE THIS GO VIRAL.... a UN truck in Georgia, and it says "weapons enforcement " on the hood. WTF? #tcot #III% — Chip Woods (@chipwoods) June 19, 2014 Here is the original photo: The photo was uploaded to Facebook by a ...

BLM Officer and Highway Patrolman Shot in Nevada County, CA by Suspected Right Wing Extremist

Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 12:01:57 pm
It looks like we have another sovereign citizen trying to murder police. ***CAVEAT*** It is not yet confirmed that the links below are one and the same with this person. A Bureau of Land Management ranger and a California highway patrolman were shot during an armed confrontation on Saturday, the ...

And Now, L. Paul Bremer Wants to Send More US Soldiers Into Iraq

Mon, Jun 16, 2014 at 10:41:01 am
The latest public figure who was utterly horribly wrong in almost everything he did in Iraq but now wants us to send more US soldiers to die for a neocon pipe dream is L. Paul Bremer, the guy who dissolved the Iraqi Army and very possibly engendered the situation Iraq ...

Dave Brat's Campaign Manager Scrubs Facebook Page of Extremist Comments After Election

Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 11:50:59 am
Would you be surprised to learn that Tea Party heartthrob Dave Brat's campaign manager has a Facebook page with loony comments about abortion, racism, and links to extreme right wing websites? Well, it did before yesterday, when he scrubbed it. From comparing George Zimmerman's shooting of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin ...

Alleged Vegas Killer Jerad Miller Interview at Bundy Ranch

Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 10:42:20 am
Video Hat tip: Via @ThatGuy3002 footage of a "Jarad Miller" being interviewed at the #BundyRanch. ... #VegasShooting #Terrorism — Zedd Rebel (@ZeddRebel) June 9, 2014 Related: Jerad Miller posts at Alex Jones' Infowars. Screenshot A - Jerad Miller at Alex Jones' Infowars Screenshot B - Jerad Miller at Alex Jones' Infowars Jerad Miller's ...

Hilarious! Kids React to Old Computers

Tue, May 27, 2014 at 11:00:18 am
YouTube Let's start the day with some good clean fun, as kids try to figure out what the heck these giant boxes are and why anyone would want to use one of them. Watch the kids try and figure out how to use a 1970's era computer in another special Old ...

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