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Searched LGF articles for: Palestinian Child Abuse (496 matches, in 20 pages)

Louie Gohmert: Women Should Be Forced to Give Birth Even if the Baby Is Doomed to Die in Agony

Fri, May 24, 2013 at 11:01:18 am
YouTube We laugh at Texas Gongressmoron Louie Gohmert a lot, because he comes out with so many deliciously stupid remarks. But this story is a reminder that, comical though he may be, Gohmert is also a first class heartless Republican bastard, as he tells a woman who had a medically ...

A Wild Interview With John McAfee at Slashdot

Wed, May 8, 2013 at 3:10:22 pm
If you need something to clear the mental palate after that ridiculous Benghazi hearing, try this memorable interview with John McAfee, founder of McAfee Anti-Virus, genuine wildman, and occasional fugitive from the law: Interview: John McAfee Answers Your Questions. "Here is another common disguise I used that would work for ...

Mitt Romney's Advice for Recent Female Grads: 'Have a Quiver Full of Kids'

Fri, May 3, 2013 at 9:41:45 am
Youtube Video This week, Mitt Romney delivered an interesting commencement speech to the (very Mormon populated) Southern Virginia University's graduating class. Sharing his secrets for "abundant living," Romney urged the new grads to go out, get married, and procreate like crazy. 'Get married,' he said, and "Have a quiver full of ...

Mississippi Martial Arts Instructor Arrested in Ricin Case

Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 10:54:26 am
Authorities have arrested another man in Mississippi in connection with those ricin-laced letters sent to the President and other politicians; this time, instead of a wingnut Elvis impersonator, it's a karate instructor (and Mensa member) who was previously indicted for child molestation. James Everett Dutschke, 41, was taken into custody ...

Updates: Ricin Letter Suspect Released on Bond; No Ricin Found in His Home or Car

Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:24:14 pm
Investigators in Mississippi were unable to find any evidence of ricin poison in the home or car of Elvis impersonator Paul Kevin Curtis, and today he was released on bond. Slate also has some interesting details on the ricin found in those letters: Investigators believe that the ricin in the letters ...

The Frame Game

Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 5:13:17 pm
Ever go to the movies and be absolutely spellbound by the words rolling from the mouth of your favorite actor? Ever wonder how those words would sound when spoken by a different actor, or if a different choice of words could convey a completely different meaning? With DVDs and Blu Ray ...

Some 'Government Intrusion' Video Ideas for Senator Ron Johnson

Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 12:48:29 pm
Dear Senator Ron Johnson: I read in the Oshkosh Northwestern (our hometown newspaper) today that, as part of your official duties as a U.S. Senator, you are producing videos of people who have been harmed by government intrusion or red tape. The paper went on to describe the subject of your ...

The GOP Long War

Sun, Apr 7, 2013 at 10:13:29 am
President Barack Obama won reelection in 2012, but that hasn't stopped the GOP from blocking the President's social agenda at every turn. In turn, Democrats have largely blocked the GOP war on women at the federal level, and just this past week a federal judge ruled that day-after pills must ...

Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin Reveal: They Were Beaten as Children

Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 6:02:50 pm
This is just sad. Generations of anger passed on by abuse and beatings resulted in hateful demagogues like Sean Hannity and Michelle Malkin, who pass on the legacy of abuse to their own children and preach it to others on Fox News. Hannity and Malkin began by mounting an awful defense ...

It's On: Wingnut Radio Host Says Bill O'Reilly's Marriage Equality Remarks Are a "Hanging Offense"

Mon, Apr 1, 2013 at 12:55:18 pm
Some of the right wing demagogues on Fox News seem to be trying to play along with the "Republican rebranding" charade; Bill O'Reilly, for example, who recently said he doesn't really have a strong opinion on marriage equality (although he hasn't been shy in the past about his aversion to ...

Adam Lanza's Arsenal: Guns, Ammo, Knives, Swords, and NRA Certificates

Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 5:21:56 pm
At the school in Newtown, Adam Lanza fired more than 155 rounds in less than five minutes. The search warrants released by authorities today show the extent of the Lanza family's arsenal; here's the full list. At the school: [Item List] At the home: Guns: [Item List] Ammunition: [Item List] Magazines: [Item List] Knives: [Item ...

Pope Francis's Deafening Silence on Argentine Sex Abuse Cases

Tue, Mar 19, 2013 at 10:06:30 am
Would you be surprised to learn that the new Pope has the same old problems that have now become almost daily news about the Catholic Church? While there's no evidence (yet) that he actively covered up the crimes of pedophile priests, while archbishop of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio often ...

Monday Night Jam: The Knife - a Tooth for an Eye

Mon, Mar 18, 2013 at 6:14:30 pm
'A Tooth For An Eye' from The Knife's forthcoming album 'Shaking The Habitual' released on 8/9 April. Available to pre order here: al 'A Tooth For An Eye' deconstructs images of maleness, power and leadership. Who are the people we trust as our leaders and why? What do we have ...

State of the Union 2013: Enhanced Video, Written Transcript

Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 10:29:34 am
Partial written transcript of President Obama's state of the union address last night & full enhanced version: Video Tonight, thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, there is much progress to report. After a decade of grinding war, our brave men and women in uniform are coming home. ...

Tennessee Republicans Trying to Legislate Away the Gay

Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 11:25:24 am
Tennessee legislators are back at it. They're looking to enact legislation that would ban the word "gay" from school classrooms. They've tried for the last few years, but have fallen short each time. It hasn't stopped them from trying again though. This time, they're not only looking to ban the ...

Yes, the Father of a Murdered Newtown Child Was Heckled by Gun Nuts

Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 10:10:25 am
Video I'm not always a fan of Lawrence O'Donnell, but he gets it exactly right in this clip. The right wing pro-gun cult swung into high gear yesterday to defend the hecklers at that Newtown hearing; practically every wingnut blogger was shouting in unison that there was no "heckling" -- the people ...

In Newtown, Gun Nuts Heckle Father of Murdered Child

Tue, Jan 29, 2013 at 5:48:00 am
In a hearing at the Connecticut state capitol yesterday, pro-gun demonstrators actually heckled the father of a 6-year old boy killed in the Newtown school massacre. There are no words. The sometimes boisterous public hearing -- after nearly four hours of testimony from State Police, parents of slain Newtown first-graders and ...

The NRA Publishes Its Enemies List

Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 5:44:52 pm
AARP AFL-CIO Ambulatory Pediatric Association American Academy of Pediatrics American Civil Liberties Union American Academy of Ambulatory Care Nursing American Medical Women's Association American Medical Student Association American Medical Association American Association for the Surgery of Trauma American Trauma Society American Federation of Teachers American Association of School Administrators American Alliance for Rights and Responsibilities American Medical Association American Bar Association American Counseling Association American Academy of ...

15-Year Old Boy Kills 5 People in New Mexico With Assault Rifle

Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 4:56:15 pm
Video There are no words: 'Horrific' New Mexico Shooting Leaves 5 Dead; Investigators Arrest 15-Year-Old. (CNN) -- Sheriff's investigators combed through what one called a "horrific" crime scene Sunday after the shooting deaths of five people, three of them children, outside Albuquerque, New Mexico. Each of victims had been shot multiple times, ...

Rush Limbaugh on How to Stop Abortion: "Require That Each One Occur With a Gun"

Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 1:38:26 pm
Leave it to Rush Limbaugh to come up with the sickest, weirdest right wing take on the gun control debate. CALLER: ...on any given day in Americans [sic], more than 3,000 children are killed from abortion and we have no problems with that. We're OK with that. It's not an issue. So you can't spend 40 ...

The Only Article About Guns You Need to Read Today

Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:55:21 pm
At How a Gun-Loving West Texas Girl Learned to Fear Assault Weapons. In college, I spent several years with an abusive boyfriend. He was smart, though, so it was a quiet kind of abuse -- very few marks. Very few public displays of anger. Hard worker, upright citizen. A bit ...

Gun Control: Don't Fall for the 'Mental Health' Diversion

Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 11:27:06 am
Take a look around the right wing blogs and news sites, and watch Fox News, and you may notice that there are suddenly a lot of conservatives arguing that the real problem that leads to gun violence is mental illness -- and that the solution is "better mental health care." While ...

Not Again - School Shooting in Newtown, Connecticut

Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 8:29:05 am
Shooting Reported at Sandy Hook Elementary School: State and Newtown police, ambulance, and emergency response personnel responded to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shortly after 9:30 am, Friday, following reports of a shooting. One child was carried from the school by a police officer, apparently seriously wounded. Other injuries are ...

Inhofe and Monckton Bring the Theocratic, Creationist Texas Eagle Forum to the UN to Deny Climate Change

Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 10:57:08 am
Watch the full video (available later today) at: Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow: The future of climate and energy policy featuring Lord Christopher Monckton and US Senator James Inhofe The current United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) conference, COP 18, is ongoing in Doha, Qatar and like all previous COPs ...

Rick Santorum Now Writing for World Net Daily: 'The UN Wants to Kill My Daughter'

Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 1:22:00 pm
Rick Santorum has now joined the illustrious company of Pamela Geller, Jerome Corsi, and Joseph Farah, and is writing a regular column for one of the looniest wingnut sites on the web, the always inadvertently amusing World Net Daily, where they're still totally certain that Barack Obama is a secretly ...

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