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Searched LGF articles for: ron paul (553 matches, in 23 pages)

Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 11/12/15

Sat, Nov 14, 2015 at 11:22:01 am /BCS_111215.mp3 Today's program for the The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show: Mizzou: We Deconstruct the University of Missouri Protests; Chez Participates in Happy Hour; Bob Said the S-Word on the Stephanie Miller Show; Our Recap of the Fox Business Debate; Rand Paul Won the Debate; Philosophers versus Welders; GOP Declares ...

Amazing New Music From Joanna Newsom: "Sapokanikan"

Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 5:18:38 pm
Vimeo Wow, new music from Joanna Newsom for the first time in five years, and it's magnificent. She's probably best known for her compositions on which she plays harp, but there's no harp on this song -- just an incredible arrangement of a very different sort of music. The title of the ...

Rand Paul: Electing Bernie Sanders Could Lead to "Mass Genocide"

Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 10:36:30 am
SoundCloud Sen. Bernie Sanders describes himself as a "democratic socialist," with a political philosophy similar to those of countries like Denmark and Sweden, where this form of socialism has been a proven system of workable government for many years. It's not communism, folks, and it has nothing in common with the ...

Donald Trump Throws His Weight Around, Threatens to Pull Out of Debate, Other Candidates Follow Suit

Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 12:45:34 pm
The next Republican debate is shaping up to be even more of a clown show than the previous ones, as the candidates each throw tantrums and threaten to pull out if their demands aren't met -- starting with Donald Trump. On the call, according to three sources who were on ...

Saturday Off the Wall: Tom Waits on Everything and Nothing

Sat, Oct 10, 2015 at 4:00:50 pm
YouTube "I don't know what the 'big time' is" - Tom Waits in 1988 As told to Chris Roberts (from Hear more from this rare interview: "He 's a natural raconteur. A great one. You just get out of the way and let him do his thing, perform. If you can nudge ...

Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show, 10/8/15

Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 11:10:18 am /BCS_100815.mp3 Creationist neurosurgeon Ben Carson was in Loonball Overdrive the past few days, spewing one nutty ill-conceived idea after another, and he's the star of today's Bob & Chez Show. Popeye's Organization: Republicans in Disarray; Kevin McCarthy Drops Out of Speaker Race; Speaker Election Postponed; Boehner Begs Paul Ryan to Run; ...

Anti-Choice Extremist Troy Newman Deported From Australia

Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 10:22:28 am
Troy Newman, head of extreme anti-abortion group Operation Rescue and board member of the Center for Medical Progress (whose deceptively edited "sting" videos attacking Planned Parenthood have set off a firestorm of dishonest right wing outrage), has been deported from Australia after arriving in the country despite having his visa ...

Utterly Deranged Breitbart "News" Post of the Day: Pope Francis Is "Condemning Millions to Unspeakable Misery"

Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 2:48:35 pm
At Breitbart "News" today, we find the following utterly deranged attack on Pope Francis: The Nuclear Option: Pope Francis Threatens Legacy of Pope John Paul II, Ronald Reagan - Breitbart. According to this ranting loon, Pope Francis "rebukes" and "scolds" conservatives, calls free-market capitalism "the dung of the devil," denounces America, ...

Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show, 9/17/15

Sat, Sep 19, 2015 at 12:08:04 pm /BCS_091715.mp3 Thursday's episode of The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show: No Cheese for You: Our CNN Debate Special; We recap Wednesday night's CNN debate; Damn it was a long one; Jeb Bush on keeping us safe; Trump's most ridiculous moments; Fetus fetishes; Fetuses versus immigrant children; The truth about Rosa ...

Catholic GOP Rep. Paul Gosar Is Boycotting Pope Francis Because of His "Leftist Ideology" on Climate Change

Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 10:35:48 am
In one of the most pathetic examples this week of Republican foolishness, Arizona congressman Paul Gosar, a Catholic, has proudly announced that he's going to skip Pope Francis's speech to the House of Representatives, and you can probably guess why. Writing for far right website Town Hall, Gosar explains that he's ...

Rand Paul on Trump: "Someone Has to Point Out to the American Public That He's a Fake"

Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 5:59:07 pm
Rich Koele / Rand Paul's campaign is pretty much running on fumes at this point, and this quote almost made me feel sad for him -- because he obviously understands he's being whipped by a creepy charlatan. Rand tells me re: Trump: "Someone has to bring him down. Someone has to ...

Overnight Podcast: The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show, 9/3/15

Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 8:46:34 pm
Image via Shutterstock podcast/090315/BCS_090315.mp3 Tonight 's program, for your enjoyment: American Reporter in America: Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis Becomes an Anti-Gay Martyr; Huckabee, Cruz and Eric Erickerick Rush to Davis' Defense; Rand Paul's App is Spying on You; Trump Attacks Jeb Bush for Speaking Spanish; Fox News Channel's Brian Kilmeade is Totally Confused ...

Sunday Evening Jam: Courtney Barnett, "Dead Fox"

Sun, Aug 16, 2015 at 5:33:25 pm
YouTube I just took a run around the right wing blogs and they're all gushing about Donald Trump's insanely xenophobic reality-challenged immigration statement. It's a grotesque celebration of pure meanness, horrible people exulting about the potential deportation of millions of families. At times like this when the entire right wing world is ...

Podcast o' the Day: The Bubble Genius Bob and Chez Show, 8/13/15

Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 2:36:28 pm /BCS_081315.mp3 Bob and Chez have tings to say about Bionic Dan Bidondi and a lot of udder tings: The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show 8/13/15. I Ain't Got Time to Concede: Black Lives Matter vs Bernie Sanders; Will Trump Pick Jesse Ventura as His Running Mate?; Ben Carson Performed Research ...

Rand Paul Went After Donald Trump, and Boy Did It Backfire

Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 5:25:17 pm
YouTube It's too funny to see the Republican candidates tearing at each other like crazed ferrets on bath salts. If Donald Trump achieves nothing else with his gonzo campaign, he'll have done serious, lasting damage to the image of the Republican Party. The video above shows Rand Paul trying to get a ...

Rand Paul Pushing to Defund Planned Parenthood and Subvert Mitch McConnell

Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 11:19:10 am
Rich Koele / Rand Paul likes to present himself as a civil libertarian, but his stance on reproductive rights is straight from the darkest, most regressive part of the Republican Party's war on women. He's currently pushing to defund Planned Parenthood with an amendment to a mass transit funding bill, ...

Podcast o' the Day: In Which Alex Jones Goes on a Rant About Bob Cesca

Sat, Jul 25, 2015 at 11:12:44 am /BCS_072315.mp3 I'm so old I remember when Alex Jones was trying to cash in by exploiting left wing memes, but now he's obviously realized it's much easier to fleece the right. So now he eagerly promotes every conservative talking point as soon as it comes down from the noise machine; for ...

Board Member of Right Wing Group That Made Planned Parenthood Video Believes Murdering Doctors Is "Justifiable"

Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 3:25:28 pm
We noted yesterday that the leader of the group ("The Center For Medical Progress") that produced the latest deceptive, heavily edited video attacking Planned Parenthood, David Daleiden, is actually a friend and associate of discredited right wing hatchet man James O'Keefe, and was a classmate at Claremont College of infamous ...

Independence Day Podcast: The Bob and Chez Show, 7/2/15

Sat, Jul 4, 2015 at 11:43:13 am
Image via Shutterstock podcast/070215/BCS_070215.mp3 Here's the latest Bob and Chez Show podcast, to start off this Independence Day by making fun of crazed right wingers, as is our wont. Crazy Cooter: Dukes of Hazzard Cast Member Defends Confederate Flag on Fox News; All New and Totally Crazy Sarah Palin Audio; Jim Webb ...

Rand Paul Met Privately With Far Right Racist Rancher Cliven Bundy for 45 Minutes

Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 6:17:24 pm
We noted earlier that GOP presidential candidate Rand Paul met with far right racist anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy yesterday in Nevada, but tonight it's coming out that Paul and Bundy actually had a private sit-down meeting for approximately 45 minutes. The Nevada rancher said that he had expected only to ...

A Meeting of the Minds: Rand Paul and Far Right Racist Rancher Cliven Bundy

Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 10:28:06 am
Back in April 2014, Rand Paul's father Ron came out in support of far right racist anti-government rancher Cliven Bundy (who is on video saying "the nigra" was better off under slavery), and yesterday Rand also expressed his support for Bundy's "cause." This is the real Rand Paul; the guy who ...

Uh, About Those Clinton Confederate Flag Campaign Buttons? Two Can Play This Game

Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 11:36:21 am
Right wing bloggers are having a huge outrage party over the discovery of some old campaign buttons created by supporters of Hillary Clinton that feature a Confederate flag. Breitbart "News" hack Joel Pollak is a good example: HILLARY CLINTON CONFEDERATE FLAG MERCHANDISE SURFACES ON EBAY! In 2007, Hillary Clinton commented ...

Sunday Night Equestrian Jam: Christopher Paul Stelling, "Horse"

Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 5:42:55 pm
YouTube Stand back, because these horses will not stop and they will not be denied. Listen to the full album: "Horse" by Christopher Paul Stelling from the album 'Labor Against Waste,' available now Order the CD and vinyl: Download on iTunes: Official Site: Facebook: Twitter: Insta gram: Also see: Horses, Horse Pictures, Horse ...

Hilarious Short Film: Ike Interviews God

Sat, Jun 6, 2015 at 12:23:27 pm
Vimeo A timid insurance clerk named Ike is our only hope of convincing God to halt the impending apocalypse. Check out the review on Short of the Week: /01/ike-interviews-god/ Website: Facebook: Twitter: WINNER: 1st Prize, Best Writing, Best Acting - NYU TISCH, NEW VISIONS AND VOICES ...

Podcast of the Morning: The Bob & Chez Show, 6/2/15

Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 10:27:32 am /BCS_060215.mp3 I've reached a top secret agreement with Bob Cesca to make regular appearances on his podcast with Chez Pazienza, in exchange for posting the podcasts here at LGF. (Oops, I guess it isn't top secret any more.) So here's the latest edition of The Bubble Genius Bob & Chez Show. ...

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