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Searched LGF articles for: Palestinian Child Abuse (546 matches, in 22 pages)

Amazon Deal of the Day

Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 1:16:29 pm
Kindle Fire HD - Most Advanced 7" Tablet - Only $199 World's most advanced 7" tablet 1280x800 HD display with polarizing filter and anti-glare technology for rich color and deep contrast from any viewing angle Exclusive Dolby audio and dual-driver stereo speakers for immersive, virtual surround sound World's first tablet with dual-band, dual-antenna ...

Breaking: UN General Assembly Recognizes Palestine as 'Non-Member State'

Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 2:10:19 pm
NPR has details: U.N. Votes to Give Palestinians 'Non-Member Observer State' Status. Exactly 65 years after the General Assembly, convened at Lake Success, New York, voted to divide Palestine between a Jewish state and an Arab one, the same body voted 138 to 9 in favor of recognizing the State ...

Erick Erickson Is in 'Prayerful Consideration' About Far Right Challenge to Chambliss

Wed, Nov 28, 2012 at 12:42:41 pm
Redstate blogger Erick Erickson is reportedly thinking about primarying Saxby Chambliss, because Chambliss is no longer pure enough for the right wing: Erickson Considering Challenge to Chambliss. "For a week now, I've been getting calls to see if I would challenge Saxby Chambliss, once he really got into the whole ...

Brain-Dead Breitbart Rant of the Day: "The Onion Goes Anti-Semitic"

Tue, Nov 20, 2012 at 12:49:53 pm
We have a winner in today's Most Ridiculous Right Wing Rant contest, and once again it goes to the inimitable, reliably deranged, where hack William Bigelow is screaming in all caps: THE ONION GOES ANTI-SEMITIC! So now The Onion, celebrated for their zany approach to the news, has fallen ...

About That So-Called 'Pallywood' Video...

Sat, Nov 17, 2012 at 5:47:38 pm
This is in response to a couple of other Pages posted regarding film footage of this week's Israeli air strikes in Gaza, both of which questioned the authenticity of several BBC video clips that at least one Israeli blog & one far-right Israeli news outlet are presenting as "Pallywood" productions. ...

Mitt #Romney, Pamela Geller, EDL's Tommy Robinson, Robert Spencer and John Bolton

Mon, Oct 15, 2012 at 5:40:58 pm
• Exhibit A: Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney with hate group leader Pamela Geller Mitt Romney and Pamela Geller About Pamela Geller: Pamela Geller is the anti-Muslim movement's most visible and flamboyant figurehead. She's relentlessly shrill and coarse in her broad-brush denunciations of Islam and makes preposterous claims, such as that President ...

Josh Romney: Dad "Learned How to Debate an Obstinate Child"

Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 11:21:52 am
Here's Mitt Romney's son Josh, doubling down on his father's bizarre debate story about his lying "boys," and comparing the President of the United States to "an obstinate child." As always with a right wing dog whistle, plausible deniability is maintained because he doesn't explicitly say Obama is an obstinate child. (h/t: ...

Uh... About That "Bump in the Road?"

Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 1:04:39 pm
The latest wingnut outrageous outrage revolves around President Obama's use of the phrase "bumps in the road," while speaking about the road to democracy and peace in the Middle East and the Arab Spring during an interview on 60 Minutes last night. "I think it was absolutely the right thing ...

French Satire Magazine Runs Mohammed Cartoons

Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 10:40:11 am
In the wake of protests and riots as well as a terror attack against the US consulate in Libya that resulted in dozens of casualties and the death of US Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans ostensibly over a video denigrating Islam and the prophet Mohammed, a French satire magazine ...

New Mother Jones Video: Romney Trashes Two-State Solution

Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 10:46:24 am
I think it's highly amusing that Mother Jones is using the Breitbart tactic of timed video releases against the right wing and Mitt Romney, and today they have another batch of videos from that fund-raising event at equity trader Marc Leder's mansion. In the latest video, Romney is again saying ...

Kirk Cameron: "God IS the Platform"

Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 4:01:27 pm
Today's moment of right wing religious fanaticism comes from former child star Kirk Cameron, who says, "one of our parties is wondering whether the name God should be in the platform," but according to America's founding fathers, "God is the platform!" The crowd cheers this line in a very disturbing way. ...

Obama: 'Help Us Destroy Jesus and Start a New Age of Liberal Darkness'

Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 6:40:04 pm
This is how you satirize the religious right: Obama: 'Help Us Destroy Jesus and Start a New Age of Liberal Darkness'. CHARLOTTE, NC--With the savage roar of the heathen Democratic horde rising all around him, President Barack Obama delivered an incendiary speech to close his party's national convention Thursday night, ...

N. Dakota GOP Senate Candidate Wants Life Sentences for Rape Victims Who Have Abortions

Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 10:27:48 am
Still think Rep. Todd Akin's caveman views on women's rights are unique in the Republican Party? GOP Senate Candidate Supports Life Sentences for Rape Victims Who Obtain Abortions. Rep. Rick Berg (R-ND), the candidate for Senate from North Dakota, once voted for a bill that would have made any woman ...

Wacko Birther Anti-Immigrant Sheriff Arpaio to Speak at GOP Convention

Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 5:27:01 pm
Well, the Republican Party has pretty much lost every black person in America, so now they're working on a similar strategy for Latinos by inviting Arizona's far right anti-immigrant Birther Sheriff Joe Arpaio to speak at the Republican National Convention. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio is scheduled to speak to ...

Todd Akin's Comments Symptomatic of Bigger Problems For GOP

Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:09:09 pm
GOP officials are trying their hardest to contain the fallout from the reprehensible comments made by Missouri Congressman Todd Akin, who is seeking a US Senate seat in a race against Claire McCaskill. Even Presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his vice president nominee Paul Ryan called on Akin to quit ...

GOP Platform Declares Open War on Women

Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 6:19:00 am
Even as most Republican big-wigs are denouncing Todd Akin's caveman views on women, they're preparing to certify a GOP platform that calls for criminalizing abortion in all circumstances. Tampa, Florida (CNN) - The Republican Party is set to once again enshrine into its official platform support for "a human life ...

Rep. Todd Akin (R-12th Century): "I Misspoke"

Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 3:31:50 pm
As a dim awareness begins to dawn on him that he's totally stepped in it this time, Rep. Todd Akin manages to croak, "I misspoke." "In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it's clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the ...

Missouri GOP Rep. Todd Akin: 'Female Body Has Ways to Shut Down' Pregnancy in Case of 'Legitimate Rape'

Sun, Aug 19, 2012 at 11:29:46 am
Our mind-blowingly ignorant Republican comment of the day comes from Missouri Rep. Todd Akin, currently running for the US Senate, who seems to believe that women have a magical ability to prevent conception in cases of "legitimate rape." "First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] ...

SPLC: Family Research Council License-to-Kill Claim 'Outrageous'

Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 3:37:36 pm
Here's a statement from Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center, responding to Family Research Council president Tony Perkins' attempt to get a free pass for the FRC's long-standing bigotry and hateful propaganda, by blaming the Southern Poverty Law Center for the shooting at the FRC's DC office. (Bashing ...

Palin, Suddenly Concerned About 'Black Americans,' Suggests Obama Should Drop Biden for Hillary

Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 1:20:58 pm
If you can believe this, Republicans and right wing bloggers are now demanding that Joe Biden be replaced on the Obama campaign ticket. Sarah Palin's word salad on this subject is especially ripe with fragrant irony: There weren't enough groans and boos when he said such a disgusting comment, really, especially ...

Religious Fanatics and Oil Industry Shills Agree: Paul Ryan Has a 'Biblical View of the Environment'

Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 2:37:01 pm
YouTube Video Here's American Family Association fundamentalist loon Bryan Fischer with energy industry shill Cal Beisner, congratulating Mitt Romney on his selection of Paul Ryan -- because Ryan's anti-science views on climate change and the environment are every bit as insane as theirs: Fischer and Beisner Praise Ryan's 'Biblical View of ...

American Family Association Spokesman Fischer: Child Kidnapper Is 'Obeying God Rather Than Man'

Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 1:31:49 pm
YouTube Video Today, American Family Association spokesman Bryan Fischer clarified and expanded on those disturbing tweets he posted yesterday. And by "clarified," I mean he confirmed that he really does support the kidnapping of children in same-sex households: Fischer Says Ex-Gay Mom Had an Obligation to God to Kidnap Her Daughter and ...

Romney's Latest Position: Yes, It Is About Culture

Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 7:18:34 pm
Earlier today Mitt Romney denied he was making any comparison of Israeli and Palestinian culture, and that lasted until 8 PM Eastern tonight, when Romney published an opinion piece at National Review Online that says: Culture Does Matter. Wouldn't want the right wing base to get the wrong idea from those ...

Fox News: We Love Picking Cherries but Just Hate Aliens

Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 2:57:36 pm
Here we go boys and girls, one more attempt by Fox and the Republicans to spin, color and skew public opinion against rational policies put in place by their favourite hate target, Obama and the Dems. The caption reads: Republicans decry 'deadly' policy as report shows illegal immigrants committing new crimes ...

Romney Lies: "I Did Not Speak About the Palestinian Culture"

Tue, Jul 31, 2012 at 10:27:48 am
Mitt Romney has learned the lesson of the Big Lie -- how to simply state things that are not true, with authority: Romney: I 'Did Not Speak About' Palestinian Culture. CBS News) Under fire from Palestinian leaders for recent comments suggesting that Israel's economic success is borne out of its ...

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